Tired of just hoping and trying without results…

when you are READY to LET GO of that problem?

Let’s put a plan of action together so that you can actually DO SOMETHING about this NOW!


Like a rubber band, pushing and pulling to force yourself to change only creates more tension.

Too much of that and the whole thing comes snapping back, painfully bouncing you back into old habits…

So let’s take that pressure off… and flip this whole thing around!

3 easy steps


    …so that you take the sting out of doing what’s best for you and FEEL GOOD doing it!

  • A DYNAMIC "self-repair" method

    …that gives you a simple, effective formula to take that issue apart piece by piece.

  • a total "self-reset"

    …because when you discover who you were before this happened it clears the way to a new, better you!

Got a moment?

Discover the solution to stress and overwhelm.

This is a FREE, simple method that is the quickest way to set aside unwanted thoughts and feelings. It is as fast as it is easy.

Don't wait to find relaxation, calm, and peace in the moment.



Energy Healer, Intuitive, Medium

“It was awesome! I am picky and Don Ray totally blew me off the planet. I feel like I did a quantum leap in my life!”


Fort Myers, FL

“my issue was happening two to three times a week… now i can stop it before it even happens!”


A NURSE AND professional hypnotist

i help people unlock their hidden gifts and talents so that the change you make is as easy as it is efortless.